15 Facebook Ads Alternatives To Grow Your Business 2024

Mohamed Fouad

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Facebook advertising is an extremely effective tool in a business's marketing strategy, but diving into alternatives provides opportunities to tap into fresh audiences and traffic sources. With over 2 billion Facebook users, its advertising reach is undisputed. However, recent events like mass boycotts hint that dependence on one or two dominant players has risks. By experimenting with emerging mediums like SMS, video, and audio, small businesses can find cost-efficient ways to grow. This post will explore 15 compelling Facebook ads options you likely haven't considered to optimize your profits and expand your business.

Google Ads

With 63% market dominance in online advertising, Google Ads leverages precision targeting to deliver relevant ads to searchers. Ranging from text to display to video formats, these ads seamlessly blend into results, with 50% unable to distinguish them from organic listings.

In 2024, overall ad spend will reach $700 billion, an 11% increase, indicating rising investment. Mobile rules, projected to account for nearly $399.6 billion. Optimizing for mobile is crucial.

Average CTR is 3.17% for search network ads vs only 0.46% for display. Conversion rates vary. Shopping ads convert at 1.91%, a testament to their strong performance. They also dominate, capturing 76.4% of retail search ad spend and driving 85.3% of Google Ads clicks.

Despite prevalent ads, 75% find them helpful, highlighting quality content. With innovations like AI for granular targeting and expanding video ad options, Google Ads retains strength. Focus on precision, optimization and emerging formats in 2024.

Google Ads

LinkedIn ads

As the world’s largest professional networking platform, LinkedIn offers unmatched access to an influential B2B audience. With over 1 billion members including 65 million decision-makers, LinkedIn advertising enables targeting niche demographics based on industry, seniority, geography and more.

Considered the most trusted social platform, 80% of B2B marketers already leverage LinkedIn ads for their double conversion rates compared to other channels. Businesses also report a 33% increase in purchase intent post-campaign.

Available ad formats include text, image and video ads within the LinkedIn feed, as well as Message Ads that boost engagement through personalization. Sponsored Content tends to perform best, with a 0.56% click-through rate (CTR) for single image ads and 3% CTR for Message Ads specifically. Overall, companies can expect a 14% reach of the global population.

But pursuing senior executives and niche audiences does cost more, with average cost-per-clicks ranging around $5. But advanced targeting ensures maximum return on spend. As LinkedIn’s member base expands 11% alongside increasing marketer adoption, now is the time to explore LinkedIn ads.

With user trust and intent to purchase significantly higher compared to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn advertising presents a lucrative channel for B2B brands if aligned to customer lifetime value. For products with an average order value below $5000, aggressive testing and rapid optimization can still deliver positive return on ad spend.

Tiktok ads

As one of the fastest growing social platforms, TikTok presents a lucrative advertising opportunity for brands aiming to reach its youthful audience. With over 1.5 billion monthly active users currently, TikTok is expected to hit 2.2 billion by 2027.

Spanning generations but skewed towards Gen Z, TikTok thrives on fun, entertaining short-form video content. This positions it as the perfect stage for branded hashtag challenges, viral effects and influencer collaborations. Compared to static formats, video ads achieve a 15% higher engagement rate. Partnering with creators can boost view-through rates by 193%.

Available ad options include:

  • Brand Takeovers: Full-screen graphics when users open the app
  • TopView: Full-screen video ads
  • In-feed video ads
  • Branded effects: AR lenses and filters
  • Branded hashtag challenges

Backed by celebrities and brands like Nike and Coca-Cola, TikTok has evolved beyond its reputation as just another social app for youth. As users increasingly look for authenticity and embrace brands that tap into trends, TikTok offers the scale and formats for memorable experiments. Performance metrics also indicate rewards for fast messaging in ads and for presenting brands seamlessly amidst user generated content.

TikTok Ads

Twitter Ads

With 330 million active users, Twitter offers an engaged audience receptive to discovering new products, with 54% more likely to purchase compared to other platforms. Majority-mobile usage also aligns with modern advertising strategies.

Available ad options include:

  • Promoted Tweets - In-feed ads labeled as “Promoted,” similar to Facebook and LinkedIn formats. Costs range $0.50-$2 per engagement action.
  • Promoted Accounts - Promote your entire brand profile instead of individual tweets. Surfaces in various locations across the platform to gain follower actions. Average costs per new follower range $2-$4.
  • Promoted Trends - Appear in timelines and the Explore tab to ride waves of existing trends and topics. Most expensive format.

Though 66% of brands have a presence, only 30% of marketers feel confident in achieving positive return-on-investment from Twitter ads. This likely stems from rising competition and the need for nuanced targeting and messaging. there was also a 7% drop in brand ad spend in 2023.

Still, Twitter provides opportunities for awareness and engagement campaigns, especially for mobile-centric consumer audiences interested in discovering and sharing. Tailoring ads to align with platform behaviors around key interests, events and hashtags can yield rewards.

Measurements are critical - the ability to track tweet impressions, engagement rates, lead quality and conversions will determine if lower-funnel goals can be met. For upper funnel goals like awareness, flighting test campaigns and monitoring lift through surveys could build confidence.

Quora Ads

With over 400 million active users reaching Quora primarily through search, the question-and-answer platform offers a receptive audience interested in educating themselves - an ideal target for relevant brand messaging. As a less competitive advertising space compared to Meta and Google, Quora ads also promise cost efficiency.

Available ad options include:

  • Image Ads - Visual ads with a headline, description and link placed under specific topics, questions or keywords.
  • Text Ads - Native text-based ads matching the Quora user experience.
  • Promoted Answers - Increase visibility of brand responses and conversations organically happening on the platform. Typically the most affordable format starting from $0.10 CPC.

The highly targeted nature of Quora ads allows relevance not possible on broader platforms. Studies cite 4X higher conversion potential compared to other channels. This makes it well worth exploring for mid-price segment products, particularly for US-based audiences which comprise a majority of traffic.

But precision targeting also means monitoring campaign relevance closely. Even topics garnering user interest may not correspond to viable audiences for all brands. Success requires assessing fit beyond surface metrics to avoid misalignment.

Still, for brands focused on something users actively ask about on Quora, contributing expertise through advertising and thought leadership content is a brand suitability differentiator that pays dividends. You simultaneously assess demand and provide solutions.

Reddit Ads

With over 430 million highly engaged monthly users, Reddit presents targeted advertising opportunities to reach its largely millennial and Gen Z male audience. However, Redditors are notoriously averse to marketing so brands must tread carefully. Success requires genuineness, value and aligning with community ethos.

Available Reddit ad options include:

  • Sponsored Posts - Paid posts promoted higher within subreddit feeds and threads. Must earn upvotes through contribution.
  • Native Ads - Appear organically in feeds and sidebars.

To avoid backlash:

  • Build connection by sharing helpful content, not sales pitches
  • Avoid spam and over-promotion
  • Read and respect community rules

The platform sees lower click fraud at 33% versus competitors, indicating an authentic user base. And users average 16 minutes daily. However, some report rising costs and declining click-through rates in 2023. Careful targeting and testing are essential.

Ideally, Reddit ads inform or entertain more than sell. Transparency about sponsorships also goes a long way. Partnerships with influencers who genuinely engage communities tend to succeed.

While challenging, the high trust and engagement of target subreddits can reward brands embracing Reddit’s value of user experience over hard selling. Contributing value before promotions can organically build loyalty.

Pinterest ads

As a visual discovery engine meets social platform, Pinterest offers a receptive 300+ million monthly user base actively searching for ideas and inspiration. 85% use it to plan projects and 80% discover new products. Success means aligning promoted pins, videos and shopping ads to these discovery behaviors.

Available Pinterest ad options include:

  • Promoted Pins: Standard ad units blended into normal content feeds. Most common format.
  • Shoppable Pins: Enable direct purchase of products without leaving Pinterest.
  • Video Ads: Promoted video content in feeds, search and related content. Can demonstrate products.
  • App Install Ads: Promote mobile apps for download directly on Pinterest.

Top platform searches focus on do-it-yourself and hobby content like crafts, recipes and style tips. Aligning content accordingly is key - 96% of searches are unbranded so you can target users without exact brand name queries. Predicting and leveraging emerging trends is also advised via Pinterest’s Pinterest Predicts resource.

Pinterest ads

Instagram Ads

With an advertising reach expanding to over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram presents unmatched scale for visual storytelling to motivate and convert modern mobile users.

In-feed photo and video ads remain primary revenue drivers, though Stories advertisements are gaining momentum. Together they are expected to drive nearly $60 billion in ad spend in 2024.

Usually blended seamlessly into streams of content, Instagram ads see stronger click-through rates for feed placements compared to Stories. Cost-per-clicks can range from $0.00 to $0.25 on average. Overall conversion rates average around 1%, but carousel ads have shown higher engagement rates that may boost performance.

The platform's core audience skewing under 35 offers opportunities to influence Millennials and Gen Z during early stages of discovery and consideration. Brands targeting younger demographics find Instagram's vertical video formats and swipeable carousel ads ideal for showcasing lifestyle-oriented products and services in a bold, visual manner.

Success requires conveying authenticity and value rapidly while matching the look and feel of surrounding content. Monitoring campaign metrics and optimizing based on performance is vital for achieving KPIs. With visual appeal more important than ever, brands able to resource high-quality creative likely see the greatest returns from ad investments.

YouTube ads

As the second largest search engine after Google, YouTube offers advertisers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with its massive audience of over 2 billion monthly active users. This reach and engagement underpins strong revenue growth, with YouTube generating an estimated $31.5 billion in ad revenue in 2023.

YouTube supports multiple ad formats including TrueView in-stream ads, bumper ads, display ads and more. While stats on format performance aren't readily available for 2024, the rise of YouTube Shorts viewership points to growing potential for short-form video ads.

Overall, YouTube offers precise targeting capabilities to reach specific demographics and interests. This drives strong potential ad engagement and return on investment. However, costs can add up so monitoring performance is key.

Some users do resent advertising, so creative that entertains and engages tends to perform best. Advertisers also need to remain cognizant of brand safety. But for brands aligned to YouTube's community guidelines, the platform offers unparalleled scale.

YouTube ad offerings will continue advancing with interactive formats, AR filters for ads and more. This necessitates agility, rapid testing and continuous optimization based on in-depth analytics. As consumer behavior evolves, so must messaging and formats.

Struggling to decide about different advertising platforms? Explore our detailed comparison in "YouTube Ads vs Facebook Ads - Which is the Best for You?" to discover which suits your needs best.

Snapchat Ads

As a visual-first platform reaching over 397 million daily active users, Snapchat offers immersive and engaging ad formats to capture the attention of its young demographic.

Snapchat boasts 75% Gen Z and millennial users in the US. And with strong video completion rates and ad recall, it drives higher user intent and purchase consideration than other platforms.

Available ad options include:

  • Sponsored Filters: Custom branded augmented reality lenses and location-based filters
  • Snap Ads: Full-screen vertical video ads inserted between Snapchat content
  • Commercials: Horizontal video ads played before Shows
  • Collection Ads: Scrollable catalog of product images
  • Dynamic Ads: Retargeting ads based on user behaviors

Snapchat is projected to hit $4.2 billion in ad revenue in 2024, reflecting growing interest in reaching its audience. But costs can run high, so testing is critical.

Ideally, brands that embrace the platform's fun and experimental ethos tend to resonate. Leveraging influencer marketing also provides a major signal boost. Overall, Snapchat warrants consideration for youth-skewed and visuality-focused brands.

Microsoft Ads

As the ad network encompassing Bing, Yahoo and AOL search results, Microsoft Advertising offers brands an alternative avenue to access a sizable additional audience.

Though desktop market share sits around 7%, the network drives over 6 billion monthly searches. And Microsoft Advertising reaches 60 million searchers not accessible via Google. This presents a compelling incremental growth opportunity at competitive costs.

Since Microsoft Advertising attracts less competition for valuable keywords, cost-per-clicks tend to run lower than Google Ads. The platform is aggressively pursuing partnerships and industry validation as well. Recent award announcements signal a doubling down on quality.

For businesses heavily invested in Microsoft tools like Outlook and Office, native advertising integrations present lucrative possibilities to engage users within familiar environments. And the broader Microsoft ecosystem offers extensive customer data to inform targeting.

The network will likely continue advancement in 2024 through AI and automation. But smart bidding strategies and testing different match types, devices and formats can already help brands optimize returns. Monitoring volume and engagement metrics is key to maximize impact.

While still a secondary advertising platform behind Google, Microsoft Advertising warrants consideration to diversify reach. Let me know if you need any clarification or changes to my summary!

Amazon Ads

As the leading online retailer commanding 41% of ecommerce market share, Amazon advertising presents lucrative opportunities for brands. Retail media ad spend is projected to hit $60 billion in 2024, with over 21% year-over-year growth.

79% of sellers on Amazon already leverage advertising, especially Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. And the platform delivers, with a staggering 9.58% average conversion rate — significantly higher than the 1.33% benchmark. This results in a healthy 4.5X return on ad spend.

Costs are competitive as well. The average Advertising Cost of Sales is 22% — for every $100 in sales, $22 goes towards advertising. With Prime Video continuing expansion into Connected TV, Amazon's ad offerings will likely extend into streaming video as well.

But while Amazon advertising adoption grows, so does competition. Differentiating through video and image creative is key, as is monitoring performance hourly with bid adjustments to accelerate learning. Many overinvest early without enough data. Patience and agility are mandatory.

For companies with products already ranking well in Amazon searches, advertising presents easy augmentation. But even new brands can leverage promotional tools to gain initial visibility and reviews. The platform supports multiple business models when aligned strategically.

Etsy Ads

As a marketplace reaching 97.3 million active buyers, Etsy presents artisans and makers a targeted audience to promote their wares. But with over 8.8 million sellers now on the platform, competition continues rising. This makes Etsy Ads an essential tool for discovery and conversions.

Etsy Ads enable sellers to bid on keywords so relevant listings appear in search results. Various bidding strategies help balance budget and potential impressions. Monitoring performance data then enables refinement of listings for higher conversions.

Many sellers run into issues with declining campaign performance over time. But challenges like low click-through rates can be overcome through better targeting, compelling creative and aggressive A/B testing. As the Etsy audience grows, so does its ad offerings.

While official statistics are limited, the experience of top Etsy sellers provides useful benchmarks. Strong performing listings can achieve click-through rates between 5-10% and conversion rates over 5%. Most allocate 10-15% of revenue into Etsy Ads for sufficient scale.

Patience and persistence are vital as well. There is often a learning curve to achieve positive return on ad spend. But the highly qualified traffic from Etsy searches can ultimately drive substantial organic growth. For handmade products or craft supplies, the platform provides intent-driven promotion opportunities.

eBay Ads

As a top online marketplace with over 100 million monthly visits, eBay offers sellers compelling advertising options to boost product visibility. Available ad formats include Promoted Listings, Picture Plus and various display units across eBay's sites and apps.
Sellers can target based on keywords, categories, demographics, behaviors and more to reach receptive audiences open to discovering new products. And costs scale, with promotions charged only when users engage with ads.

However, eBay did raise its ad fee structure in 2022 - now charging 2% of total sale value including shipping and taxes. So monitoring return on ad spend is critical. The platform aims to grow advertising revenue, so new offerings like Offsite Ads could arrive in 2024 to extend reach externally as well.

Plus recent eBay search algorithm changes could reshape traffic patterns and engagement rates. Keeping a pulse on tests and updates is key. Some sellers have raised concerns over declining ad performance.

Still, advertising to eBay's built-in shopper base presents unique targeting precision. And the platform offers free visibility guidance to help sellers assess if promotions make sense for their objectives. Strong photo and video creative also helps listings stand out.
For sellers struggling to surface items organically or seeking incremental sales growth, eBay Advertising warrants consideration. Let me know if you need any clarification or changes to my summary!

Viber Ads

With over 260 million active users, Viber offers brands a targeted audience to reach through native advertising formats blended within the messaging app experience. Options range from sticky ads on the chat list screen to branded stickers and video ads inserted in content feeds.

Costs follow either CPC or CPM models depending on impressions or clicks. And the platform provides robust targeting parameters like demographics, interests and location to enable campaigns to hone in on receptive users. This precision translates to strong performance - some studies cite average click-through rates around 4.5%.

But official 2024 statistics are limited. Interested advertisers can contact Viber's sales team directly for the latest user numbers and insights. Case studies from past brand partners could also provide benchmarks on engagement levels and return on ad spend to expect.

Ideally, campaigns on Viber enable brands to seamlessly integrate visual or interactive content to capture user attention where conversations happen. Leveraging interactive stickers and other formats tailored to messaging environments can drive viral sharing between friends.

Monitoring campaign analytics will determine just how receptive your niche audience on Viber may be. But early indicators point to significant opportunity.

Facebook ads are getting pricier. The space is also getting crowded. Brands need good options to reach people without spending too much. The social media platforms talked about here give brands different choices. These sites can match many aims, buyers, and budgets. They may not be as big as Facebook yet. But they are worth looking into to find cheaper alternatives to Facebook ads. Using several platforms together can help brands connect to more users.

Mohamed Fouad

Mohamed Fouad is a full-stack web developer and an entrepreneur who's really into advertising. He is the CEO of Rent Ads Agency, a company that helps businesses reach more customers through advertising. He graduated from Stanford University in 2018 and has over 4 years of experience in the tech industry.

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